June 13, 2014


Im tired. im tired being alone & sad every single day. im tired losing my friends one after one. one of my friends were gone last two months. i still cant accept the fact that he's gone, forever, i hate the thoughts that i didnt visit him when he was sick. i hate the thoughts that im not a good friend. but i gotta accept Allah's plan. His plan is bigger than mine. 

Then after that, i realised that everyone's special in their own way. we need to appreciate them & accept their flaws. Like i said, i've been through alot of shit these few days. i dont know whether it is my fault or... haih. i miss my bestfriends. im losing half of them. i'm sorry for what happened between all of us. i know i should just forgive you guys and put my ego down. But that thing ain't easy man. I still miss you guys.

''Allah tarik orang yang kita sayang, sebab nak kita sedar yg kita ni milik Dia.''
still trying to accept those words.

I miss my old classmates. I miss everything about 2013. haih. ya Allah please take care of them. they meant alot to me, to everyone. We'll meet soon okay guys? :')))