December 10, 2014


Lamanya tak update. hmm rindu nak luahkan perasaan kat sini. (sgt cliche) alhamdulillah i'm fine. 2015 is less than a month. means i'm gonna be seventeen next year. not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing. i went to big bad wolf last saturday with dian & farah. and for the time naik ktm & it was full of people. for the first time tgk makcik2 tua terpaksa berdiri dgn gagah & anak2 muda yg duduk main phone tkde rasa bersalah. i just dont understand people sometimes -_- then we heading straight to MIECC, The Mines. exhausted & tiring. but it was worth it and i bought alot of books hehe.
Yesterday i went to one utama with dian. honestly it was just because of my watch. but ofcourse, as a girl, and big sale, can't be seperated. but i'm keeping my money and hold my desire to shopping and just bought a purse with 70% discount. while waiting for mama to pick us up, we went to mph to look after diana nuzuin's 7 tahun 7 hari book. i couldn't find it at first. but then i found that book. last piece. didn't plan to spend my 20 bucks for that book but i did. i bought another book dgn rasa bangga. wahahaha. 
One of those books that i didn't regret buying. i read it like for 2 hours. this woman up there is amazing. diana nuzuin is amazing. her writing is amazing. her life is amazing. i'm amazed by her amazingness. (wait seriously?) but yeah. im not lying. congrats awin, ame & lad. i'm impressed!